Here are the results from Skullspace Weekday Matchplay Madness June 07 2017
1. Don Sinclair
2. Grant Zeilstra
3. Dave Morris
4. David Miller
5. Edwin Amsler
6. Jon Feschuk
7. Trevor Whatman
8. Darren Cancilla
9. Franca Cancilla
10. Wilson Yore
11. Colby Hansen
11. Spencer Zurek
13. Jason Krutish
14. Lance Wormsberker
15. Craig Morris
15. Ryan Tuominen
17. Marcel Toutant
17. Henry Leung
19. Wayne Kork
20. Thor Robinson
We would like to thank everyone who was able to attend, and thanks to Skullspace for hosting the event.
As there was an entry fee for this event, Manitoba Pinball League donated $100.00, 50% of all the entry fees for the matchplay tournament to Skullspace. Dave Morris also donated 25% of the money collected in Ironman and Funhouse ( his personal tables ) while they were on location.