Well folks we had our last league game of the year, and have the lineup for the who made the playoffs for December 16th.
- Garth Babisky
167 - David Morris
157 - Trevor Whatman
150 - Lance Wormsbecker
149 - Jason Krutish
142 - Darren Cancilla
137 - Colby Hansen
136 - Marcel Toutant
136 - Henry Leung
131 - David Miller
120 - Spencer Zurek
104 - Angela Krutish
103 - Franca Cancilla
103 - Jon Feschuk
101 - Grant Zeilstra
93 - Kevin Peden
If for any reason any of the top 16 in the league are unable to attend the playoffs, we will take the next in line to fill the spot to get 16 players.
We still have a few more tournaments coming up this month, so check out the Events Calendar to see the dates and times.
Also thanks to everyone who has made time to come out and play in the league. Keep an eye on the Events Calendar for when the League games start up again in the new year. Till then we hope to see you at the next event.