The Forks Summer Sizzle – Results

Yet another first time 2019 open IFPA Manitoba tournament winner in 2019!
Congratulations to Marcel T for winning The Forks Summer Sizzle! Congrats to Drew on finishing in 2nd place, & congrats to Ian G on his 1st ever podium finish – 3rd place!

There were some VERY close games including a less than 1,000,000 point separation between 2nd & 3rd in the final 3 match on Deadpool, & less than 700,000 between 2nd & 3rd on an earlier match in Guardians Of The Galaxy.

In just 7 months, there have already been 10 different 2019 IFPA-sanctioned open pinball tournament winners in Manitoba! In all of 2018, there were also 10 different winners, or just 8 if you exclude launch parties.

Next up – a summer matchplay tournament at Joe’s Pandora Inn, then we hit the beach for some league pinball Sunday August 25 – 1:30 PM for the women & 4:30 PM for the open league. NOTE THE TIME CHANGES – they will happen earlier than originally scheduled.

1st Marcel T ($100), 2nd Drew S ($30), 3rd Ian G ($20)

Women’s Super League Night S0207 – Results

Tonight was the women’s league Super League Night at Phantom Amusement @ The Forks, in which 12 games were played instead of the usual 8 games. And it was Jill H who lead with 53 out of a possible 60 points, adding to her already big lead! Jody L scored 46 to further solidify her 2nd place ranking, & Tammy K took the 3rd most points with 41 points. Watch the Women’s Standings, points will be updated shortly.

Next up – Thursday is Super League Night for the full league at Phantom Amusement! Again, 12 games to be played & a chance to earn up to 60 points, & maybe move into playoff position, move up the standings, or solidify one’s lead.

Red River Cup – Result

The Red River Cup was played on Saturday July 20th at The Forks, & it was team MANITOBA winning 51-31!!!

Manitoba was represented by Trevor W, Jay W, Marcel T, Garth B, Lance W, Rick E, Jody L, & Ian G.

Thanks to team North Dakota for coming up to Winnipeg & playing. You guys put up some great competition throughout. It was a pleasure to meet you all & you were all good sports.

Huge thanks to Dave Morris for tabulating scores, determining lineups, making sure we all knew the rules for each round, etc. Many thanks to Dave & Mark for the food, the games, etc.

The 2020 Red River Cup will shift over to Fargo, ND. Details will be announced next year.

All Aboard The Pinball Express!

Parking at The Forks can be quite the adventure…circling the lot, finding a spot, and filling the meter with change. Why not catch a free ride to the arcade on a sunny Saturday afternoon?

Domo Trolley

The Domo Trolley runs between The Zoo and The Forks three times per day, offering a rustic 30min ride directly to and from The Forks Market. Summer schedule and the Trolley Tracker GPS can be found here:…/…/plan-your-visit/trolley

Inside the Domo Trolley in Assiniboine Park

The Downtown Spirit offers free shuttles every 20 mins, with routes near the U of W and Legislative Building, and stops throughout The Exchange District:

Downtown Spirit

Thanks to Trevor W for contributing this.

Come out and Meet/Play pinball with the owners of Phantom Amusement!

Hello everyone, Mark and Dave are inviting anyone that would like to come out and play some pinball to come on Wednesday July 17th anytime after 8pm until close at 11pm. This is a meet and greet or if you already know them then it’s just to hang out and play pinball or ask any questions you would liked answered. They are taking the night off and actually PLAYING PINBALL! It is going to be a fun time and cold drinks will be provided, and even a few free games as well! Also a good warm up for the Red River Cup. So be like Dancing Gabe and come out and play some pinball!

Manitoba Pinball League – How does it work?

1 year ago today, a prospective pinball player used our contact submission form to inquire about joining the Manitoba Pinball League. That person is now a regular player in our league nights & tournaments. If you are asking the same question, here’s the simple answer…

You don’t have to “join” or commit to anything 1st. Just come on out to any of our league nights or open tournaments & register. The registration cost is usually $2 plus “coin drop” (whatever it costs to play each game) for league nights, & usually $2 – $12 for tournaments plus coin drop. Cost is the same whether it’s your 1st time playing with us or your 100th time.

Anyone can join – all ages are welcome! Bring your kids if they want to play.

For registering, you get to socialize with & compete against Manitoba’s best pinball players for 8 games during league nights. In tournaments, you have a chance to win cash & even pinball-related prizes on occasion. And you will get a profile on the International Flipper Pinball Association (IFPA) website, where you can track your progress & tournament results against the best pinball players from around the world! If you are traveling abroad & decide to play in an IFPA-affiliated tournament, you simply have to give your IFPA player number to the tournament organizer & they will register your profile for that tournament. Our players have played tournaments in places around the world including Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Minneapolis, Las Vegas, Auckland New Zealand, & Melbourne Australia.

Once you have an IFPA profile, it is strongly recommended that you get it registered immediately. This will allow you to upload a picture, add a few personal details if you wish, compete in the annual Provincial Championship Series, & maybe even win prizes from the IFPA. To do so, go here & fill out the form:

To find your own player profile or if you don’t know your IFPA player number, search here:

Any questions, ask anyone at any of our events or submit a question using our contact submission form.