Thursday night is the final open league night of the 2019 season. The race for playoff spots is solidifying. There are players with zeros to replace that will be looking to make some big moves. Even 17th & 18th (the 1st 2 alternates if any playoff qualifier cannot make it) will be important races. And whether you make the playoffs or not, you will earn IFPA points no matter where you place in the league standings.
If you are in the top 8, congratulations, you have already clinched a playoff spot!
The top 5 is quite solid, but some movement is still possible between Garth B, Drew S, Rick E, & Grant Z. The top 5 have already clinched a playoff spot in the top 8 which means they will get 1st table pick in round 1, game 1. The race for #1 is over. Jay W cannot be caught.
Click on League Standings above to see where you rank.
See you at the Forks on Thursday!