We are always looking at how to improve things with the site and event information.
One thing we are testing out is a new way of posting the Events. Currently there is a new page with Trial Calendar and its using Google Calendars. There is a link on the page to add this calendar to either iCal or Google Calendar so you have the most current version active at all time on your end.
We have also added a Code of Conduct to the site which is your IFPA rules with a few extra additions as well. Please take a moment to read it.
We are also setting up a help@manitobapinball.com email so that if you have issues / concerns at an event and would prefer to email us we can help you from there.
And lastly some people have an issue clicking on a link on your smart device, if you have auto rotate active, pivot the device into landscape and you should be able to click your link, again a code issue. Will also mention on the trial calendar page in landscape you get a little blurb added to the date box as there is a bit more room to populate it.