Create An Account on

The website is the website that helps run the tournaments and league nights. There is an option to create an account on the website. The benefits of creating a player account are:

  • Automatically go to event page when signed in, no need for the qr code or link
  • Will highlight your name and group to make it easier to find your game
  • Makes is easier to go back and see your history of events

There are a few steps to go through to create an account and claim a player. I have created a sample account of Manitoba Pinball to help create screenshots.

Step 1: Click on create an account

Step 1

Step 2: Fill out the form to create an account. If you know your IFPA number you can add it in. The IFPA number can be filled in later. The player account is a free account.

Step 2

Step 3: Click on create user account and it will ask you to verify email. Check your inbox for an email from Match Play Events and click the link it provides

Step 3

Step 4: After verifying the email you will need to sign in to your account

Step 4

At this point the account has been created the next step is to claim the player. This associates your name to the account you created.

Step 5: Search for the event you are playing in. Use the QR code or link provided at events to make searching easier.

Step 6: Click on your name in the list.

Step 6

Step 7: Once your name is clicked on click claim player.

Step 7 click on claim player

Step 8: Click the claim player button.

Step 8

That completes the creating an account and claiming a player. In future events when you are signed into the current tournament or league night will automatically show up. It will also highlight the current match in yellow and will highlight standings in yellow.

2 thoughts on “Create An Account on

  1. It appears that if your name in a tournament already has an IFPA number, you can not claim that player. How do players that created their matchplay account after they were assigned an IFPA number claim their player in past tournaments? Adding your IFPA number to your MatchPlay account settings does not claim your player from tournaments you played before creating your account, even though it shows the IFPA number next to your tournament player name.

    Thank you for any help you can provide.

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