Manitoba Pinball Championship Game List

We are Proud to release the Game Lineup for the Manitoba Pinball Championship.

Remember you DO NOT have to attend the whole weekend, you can drop by anytime between the posted hours and submit entries for the main event or you can just attend one of the other tournaments, just show up slight before their start time and pay your separate entry fee. This Weekend is completely flexible. Play as much pinball as you would like!

If you would still like to attend

Cost for the whole weekend will be $60

Pay by Cash, E-transfer or PayPal, you will be paid and registered by completing this process. Please have your name in the notes of the E-transfer

Cross Town

Special Force

Ding Dong

Junk Yard

Hokus Pokus

Pinball Pool



Spanish Eyes

Big Game

Mars Trek

Mars God of War

Haunted House

Roller Games

Bon Voyage

The Getaway


Demolition Man


The Who’s Tommy

Joker Poker

Terminator 2

Magic City

Flight 2000

Skill Pool (Williams)


Bowling Queen


Sky Jump


Mr and Mrs Pacman

Flash Gordon

Devils Dare

High Speed

Harlem Globetrotters

Jumping Jack

Nitro Ground shaker

Heavy Metal Meltdown

Dirty Harry


Stranger Things Pro

Black Night Sword of Rage Pro

Volunteer for The Manitoba Pinball Championship

The Manitoba Pinball League is excited to announce the upcoming Manitoba Pinball Championship taking place from May 24 to May 26. We are currently seeking volunteers to assist in making this event a success. If you are interested in volunteering, please click on the following link. This presents a wonderful opportunity to invite friends or family members to attend the event, even if they are not participating in the competition. We are in need of volunteers for 1-hour shifts on Friday, May 24th from 5PM to Midnight and on Saturday, May 25th from 8AM to Midnight. The Manitoba Pinball League will provide instructions on how to input scores at midnight. Please sign up to volunteer here. Thank you for considering helping us with this event.