About Jon

Just a fan of Pinball. Here to help out the cause and get Manitobans out there to enjoy PINBALL

House Keeping notes and Tips

We are always looking at how to improve things with the site and event information.

One thing we are testing out is a new way of posting the Events. Currently there is a new page with Trial Calendar and its using Google Calendars. There is a link on the page to add this calendar to either iCal or Google Calendar so you have the most current version active at all time on your end.

We have also added a Code of Conduct to the site which is your IFPA rules with a few extra additions as well. Please take a moment to read it.

We are also setting up a help@manitobapinball.com email so that if you have issues / concerns at an event and would prefer to email us we can help you from there.

And lastly some people have an issue clicking on a link on your smart device, if you have auto rotate active, pivot the device into landscape and you should be able to click your link, again a code issue. Will also mention on the trial calendar page in landscape you get a little blurb added to the date box as there is a bit more room to populate it.

Forth Friday Night Knockout

Forth Friday Night Knockout was a great success at Forth .

We had 26 players in attendance and 16 of the 18 tables were in play for the night.

Here are a few people that came early to get in some practice games prior to the event starting.




Our winners of the night were (left to right)

Grant in 2nd, Trevor in 1st and Dan in 3rd place. Grant really made Trevor work for first place, as he played against him from round 10 to the 15th round.

You can see how everyone placed at the tournament at Matchplay.Events

Some  games in play that night were

We have a league night coming up on Thursday Mar 22 2018 at Forth starting at 7pm. Remember to bring 2 dollars for admin fees and about 10 to 12 bucks in loonies and quarters for the coin drop on the machines. Everyone is welcome.


Thanks to David Morris of Manitoba Pinball and Mark Jaslowski of Phantom Amusement for providing the pins, and Forth for hosting this popup arcade in their space.

Lightning Arcade Weeknight Knockout!

We had a great turnout last night at Lighting Arcade. There were 22 people in the tournament and Dave had 13 of his machines in play.

The top 3 winners of the night were:

1st – Garth Babisky

2nd – Dan Feriolo

3rd – Trevor Whatman

A full listing of the players and placing are on Matchplay.Events

A big thank you to Dave for allowing us to play on his personal machines at his home! And here is a message from Dave on how the night went.

Well we had a great time at Lightning Arcade on Thursday night. It took a little longer then normal on a weeknight then I thought it would but we finished up between 11pm – 12am. After the battle was done Garth Babisky came in 1st, and Dan Feriolo came in 2nd (And  this was only his 3rd tournament played and first since July last year at the beach) and Trevor Whatman finished 3rd! He has consistently been in the top 3 for the past number of tournaments. I know his eyes are set on 1st but I know it will come soon. We had 4 games go down (one came back Split Second and was used as the second last game in the tournament) and a couple games have things break but still playable and I learned that a couple of my games Star Trek and Medieval Madness the flippers get weak after extended use. So this is going to be addressed by not only rebuilding the flippers but doing a complete rebuild including BRAND NEW flipper coils as well. Space Shuttle was a hit (I don’t know how many times I had to go back to it and add more credits). We will try again in May at Lightning Arcade and the games will be working better than ever I promise!

Provincial Championship Series Winner (PCS)

Who was crowned Manitoba’s first CHAMPION?

Our man Jeff Jonuk placed 1st.

David Morris came in 2nd, and Tervor Whatman, poking out in the back of the shot placed 3rd.

We would have had David popping out in the shot as well, but he is the one taking the photo. If you look close you can see him in the reflection on the trophy.

Thanks to Jason and Angela for allowing us to host the event on their wonderful collection of machines.

League Game Standings

Well folks we had our last league game of the year, and have the lineup for the who made the playoffs for December 16th.

  1. Garth Babisky
  2. David Morris
  3. Trevor Whatman
  4. Lance Wormsbecker
  5. Jason Krutish
  6. Darren Cancilla
  7. Colby Hansen
  8. Marcel Toutant
  9. Henry Leung
  10. David Miller
  11. Spencer Zurek
  12. Angela Krutish
  13. Franca Cancilla
  14. Jon Feschuk
  15. Grant Zeilstra
  16. Kevin Peden

If for any reason any of the top 16 in the league are unable to attend the playoffs, we will take the next in line to fill the spot to get 16 players.

We still have a few more tournaments coming up this month, so check out the Events Calendar to see the dates and times.

Also thanks to everyone who has made time to come out and play in the league. Keep an eye on the Events Calendar for when the League games start up again in the new year. Till then we hope to see you at the next event.

Manitoba Pinball T-Shirts

Well look who is sporting the new Manitoba Pinball T-Shirt.

That right Dave. They have finally come in and you can pickup your order Thursday Nov, 09 at league night @HalfPintsbrewco .

A huge thank you to Trevor Whatman as well for all the hard work he did to help make these t-shirts happen. So remember to show off your colours when you are out and about.

League Game Season 01 Session 09 October 29

Well folks, our league game night at Skullspace went off very well. We had 23 people in attendance with 5 pins going.

A Special thank you to:

  • Spencer for bringing Space Odyssey
  • Lance for bringing Lethal Weapon 3
  • Craig for bringing Hulk and Buck Rogers
  • Wayne for bringing White Water

The new standing are posted for the league. The technical issue of the hyperlinks has been resolved. Also to confirm you have the latest update on the page, please refresh it as you may still be looking at the old standing.

See you at the next event on November 9th at Half Pints Brewery for our next league night. 6.pm start time, don’t be late.