I was away on vacation in Minneapolis so I missed the Deadpool Launch Party here. The trip was planned in April so there was no way to change the date of the vacation. The idea was to head down in September for the Renaissance Festival when it was a little cooler than summer. The temperatures were 35 for the weekend so that did not go as planned.
Once I realized I would miss the launch party I checked the Tilt Pinball Bar website https://www.tiltpinballbar.com/ and they had a launch party on Sunday September 16. The format was you get two games best score counted then top 8 would playoff in a one strike tournament. So many people showed up so I only got one game in with a score of 11 million there was no chance to move on. Next game I played not in the tournament was 55 Million. If I had some time to practice on the machines I might have done better.
This is the trophy the winner got. I wish I could have brought it home to Manitoba.
The launch party also had some special goodies for people who registered. There was a Deadpool Launch Shirt and a Tilt Pinball Bar coin wallet. The front of the shirt and the coin wallet
The back of the shirt
In addition to the stuff for entering the games were on free play for the duration of the tournament. I was able to get quite a few games in as most people were watching the Green Bay Packers and Minnesota Vikings play. It was a fun experience since half the bar was cheering for Green Bay and the other half cheering for Minnesota. Being a causal fan of both teams whenever someone would cheer I would trap the ball and watch the highlight.
Had a great time at Tilt Pinball Bar for the Deadpool Launch Party. Since I was wearing the Manitoba Pinball League shirt several people asked if I came down from Manitoba for the launch party. It was not the main reason I was done but I am glad it took place when I was down there.