MPL Women’s Welcome Back Tournament

The scoring will be 4,3,2,1 and it will be swiss rounds. In swiss the first round is random, then you will be paired up based on total points in the following rounds. After all 8 rounds are completed the player with the highest point total is the winner. Ties are broken by most 1st and 2nd place finishes.

Proof of vaccination and masks are required per Manitoba health regulations.

Half Pints Survival Knockout – Results

We had a quick knockout tournament where only the 1st place player for each game avoided a strike. And in just over 2 hours, Lance W earned his 1st IFPA Manitoba win in 2 years & $50. Jay W earned 2nd place & $20, his 6th IFPA podium finish of 2019. And Ed Z earned 3rd place & $5, his 1st IFPA podium finish in just over a year. Congrats to all! Round-by-round results:

Next up is league night in 2 weeks on June 20th, & then the Red River Cup qualification tournament on June 22nd. And the women are up on the 23rd for league & tournament night, all at The Forks. Cya then!

Deadpool Launch Party at Tilt Pinball Bar in Minneapolis

I was away on vacation in Minneapolis so I missed the Deadpool Launch Party here. The trip was planned in April so there was no way to change the date of the vacation. The idea was to head down in September for the Renaissance Festival when it was a little cooler than summer. The temperatures were 35 for the weekend so that did not go as planned.

Once I realized I would miss the launch party I checked the Tilt Pinball Bar website and they had a launch party on Sunday September 16. The format was you get two games best score counted then top 8 would playoff in a one strike tournament. So many people showed up so I only got one game in with a score of 11 million there was no chance to move on. Next game I played not in the tournament was 55 Million. If I had some time to practice on the machines I might have done better.

This is the trophy the winner got. I wish I could have brought it home to Manitoba.

The launch party also had some special goodies for people who registered. There was a Deadpool Launch Shirt and a Tilt Pinball Bar coin wallet. The front of the shirt and the coin walletThe back of the shirt

In addition to the stuff for entering the games were on free play for the duration of the tournament. I was able to get quite a few games in as most people were watching the Green Bay Packers and Minnesota Vikings play. It was a fun experience since half the bar was cheering for Green Bay and the other half cheering for Minnesota. Being a causal fan of both teams whenever someone would cheer I would trap the ball and watch the highlight.

Had a great time at Tilt Pinball Bar for the Deadpool Launch Party. Since I was wearing the Manitoba Pinball League shirt several people asked if I came down from Manitoba for the launch party. It was not the main reason I was done but I am glad it took place when I was down there.

Introduce Yourself

Hey everyone! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Kevin, and I am finally getting around to posting my introduction after being added as one of the Manitoba Pinball League online minions. I hope I can help out Dave, Jon and Mr. Miller with running the show around here, and keeping some content going on here. I have some ideas, but more on that later.

In the interest of keeping things moving along, I will try to keep this bio short and sweet…

Name: Kevin Peden
Also known as: Peden, Mr. P, The Badger King, SUPrUNown and Matrix (I used to hang out on BBSes and Internet Message boards a lot)
Pinball initials: KEV
Location: O’Hanly, MB (half an hour north of Pine Falls); previously, Rorketon, MB (3 and a half hours northwest of Winnipeg); originally from Winnipeg
Occupation: High School ELA, ICT and Social Sciences teacher

How did you get into pinball? One of my earliest memories is when I was about 4. My parents bowled in a league at Roxy Lanes on Henderson, and used to take me along sometimes. One night, between games, my dad’s friend put a chair in front of the pinball machine, lifted me onto the chair, and let me play a game. I was hooked. Been playing on and off ever since.
Favorite machine(s): I really like the new Iron Maiden and Star Wars machines from Stern. My all-time fave is probably Addams Family or Twilight Zone. There are too many other favorites to list (Gorgar, Centaur, Diner, Taxi, Space Shuttle, Fire!, Fish Tales, Earthshaker, Whirlwind…)
Least favorite machine: The Walking Dead. Ugh.
Favorite arcade: Village Inn Bowl and Cue (now known as Academy West Lanes)
Favorite pinball moment: Running the table with a perfect record to win my first tournament…. or surviving the blowout in Dave’s van coming home from getting blown out at the Red River Cup in Fargo 🙂
Favorite drink(s)? Pure Leaf Unsweetened Ice Tea, Diet Coke, Kraken dark rum, Guinness, Kilchommen single malt scotch
Favorite burger place: The Burger Place at Portage and Rutland
Favorite pizza joint: the Pizza Place in Swan River… their monster pizza is PHENOMENAL!

Other interests? gaming (video games, role-playing games like D&D, board games, card games like Magic the Gathering, and Texas Hold’em), music (piano/guitar/singing), reading, drinking stouts, following the Philadelphia Flyers, Golden State Warriors, Miami Dolphins, Arsenal Gunners and Winnipeg Jets

Anything else? Yes, I routinely drive two hours each way JUST to play pinball. I used to drive 3 and half each way, but not as frequently. I have no kids, but I have (counts on fingers and toes) like…. 11? 12? kids who are my “godchildren”.

Boardwalk Station Arcade Knockout Spectacular!


We will be having another Pinball Knockout tournament on Saturday July 15th from 12noon-6pm at Boardwalk Street Station Arcade at Winnipeg Beach! The tournament is open to anyone and anyone that wants to participate can play. Players will be randomly paired up into groups of 4 to start. The 1st place and 2nd place player moves on and the 3rd & 4th place player gets a strike. Once you get 6 strikes you’re out! Simple as that. Come on out and check it out. Admission is $10 and can be paid directly to me via cash or EMT to . The pinball machines are on coin play so bring some quarters and loonies. There are 13 Pinball machines there right now but Irv from Allied Coin will be bringing in an extra 7 pinball machines for a total of 20! Will be a summer event not to miss! Also this is our first family friendly event and people of all ages will be eligible to enter. Bring one bring ALL the family! There will be cash prizes as well as other prizes given out at the tournament. For the cash prize it depends on how many people come for the payout. Also ***NEW*** bring two people that have not played in the MPL before and your admission will be free!