Top players in the Women’s League Standings qualify for playoffs at the end of the season.
Here are the standings for the Manitoba Women’s League. This shows each player’s total points for all league nights, as well as the totals for the top 8 league nights for each player. The top 8 scores will be used to determine league rankings so players can miss up to 2 nights without being penalized. As per IFPA rules, only players that played at least 50% of all league nights in a season are eligible to qualify for the playoffs, & no more than 50% of eligible players will make the playoffs.
If you would prefer to view the stats on MatchPlay click this link. This will open a new browser window / tab.
If you like to view the in a larger format, follow the link. The google sheet is set to view only.
If you see an error in your score, or we have spelt your name incorrectly, please let an MPL staff member know & we will fix it.
*IFPA points from league games are calculated at the end of the year, & tournament points are uploaded to IFPA and are generally updated within 2 weeks.
**Point scoring is as follows:
Group of 4 Players – 7/5/3/1
Group of 3 Players – 7/4/1
Highest possible score: 56 points (7 points x 8 games)